I’m Not Doing Much for The New Year

Other Than Paying Attention to my Habits; Thanks to Thoreau

Dr. Anita
2 min readDec 31, 2022
Image by Christian Heeb

Ever since my break-up, I find him the most rewarding to read. My soul needs a cleanse. A re-charge.

Thoreau comes up with things that are striking. Astute. Hard to figure out at first glance, sometimes.

He is this deep, this piercing, because he has spent much time alone. In nature. Observing. Quieting himself and letting the world be; letting the world act on him, and change him.

How often do we act on our world? All the time! We disallow nature to teach us. We prevent time or experiences to season us, like salt. We turn on a radio, podcast, TV/streaming platform. We swipe and post on our phones. We call and text. We get snacks. Alcohol. Drugs.

We excercise. And weigh ourselves.

Compare ourselves. To ourselves. And other people.

Are we exercising our spirits?

Are we making the desultory moments count, just as much as the active ones?

This is the passage from Thoreau that prompted that question for me — what am I doing in my down-time, in my behind-the-scenes-Anita time, to strengthen myself?

Passage from Thoreau on February 28 at the age of 23

I’m gonna keep thinking about that.

Cheers, Anita

Image by Christian Heeb



Dr. Anita

Doctor by trade; artist at heart. Musings on life. Enjoy inserting humor ‘n hope into the pain. Quiet is scarce in this day and age; reaching for it.